Teachings of the Quran - Forgiveness

Quran 3:134
Those who  give in  prosperity  and  adversity,  and  those  who restrain  anger,  and  those who forgive  people.  Allah loves  the  doers  of good.
Quran 42:37
And  those  who  avoid  major  sins  and  indecencies;  and  if  they  become angry,  they  forgive.
Quran 43:42-43  
42. Blame  lies  on those  who  wrong  people,  and commit  aggression  in  the  land  without right. These  will  have  a  painful  punishment.
43.  But  whoever  endures  patiently  and  forgives—that  is  a  sign  of  real  resolve.
Quran 45:14
Tell  those  who  believe  to forgive  those  who do  not  hope  for  the  Days  of  Allah.  He fully recompense  people  for  whatever  they have  earned.

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