Teachings of the Quran - Good Deeds

Quran 2:215
They  ask  you  what they  should  give.  Say, “Whatever  charity  you  give  is  for  the  parents, and  the  relatives,  and  the  orphans,  and  the poor,  and  the  way farer.  Whatever  good  you do,  Allah  is  aware  of  it.
Quran 2:277
Those who  believe,  and  do  good  deeds, and  pray  regularly,  and  give  charity—they will  have  their  reward  with  their  Lord;  they will  have no  fear,  nor  shall  they  grieve.
Quran 2:267
O  you  who believe!  Give  of  the  good things  you  have  earned,  and  from  what  We have  produced  for  you  from  the  earth.  And do  not  pick  the  inferior  things  to  give  away, when  you  yourselves  would  not  accept it except with eyes  closed.  And  know  that Allah is Sufficient  and  Praise worthy.
Quran 2:272
Their  guidance is  not  your  responsibility, but  Allah  guides  whom  He  wills.  Any  charity you  give  is  for  your  own  good.  Any  charity you  give  shall  be  for  the  sake  of  Allah.  Any charity  you  give will  be repaid  to  you  in  full, and you  will  not  be  wronged.
Quran 3:30
On the  Day  when every  soul  finds  all  the good  it  has  done  presented.  And  as  for  the evil  it  has  done,  it  will  wish  there were a  great distance  between  them.  Allah cautions  you  of Himself.  Allah  is  Kind  towards  the  servants.
Quran 3:57
And  as  for  those  who believe  and  do good works,  He will  give them  their  rewards  in  full. Allah does  not love  the  unjust.
Quran 3:114
They  believe in  Allah  and  the  Last  Day, and  advocate  righteousness  and  forbid  evil, and  are  quick  to  do  good  deeds. These  are among  the  righteous. 115.  Whatever  good  they  do,  they  will  not be denied  it.  Allah knows  the  righteous.
Quran 3:134
Those who  give in  prosperity  and  adversity,  and  those  who  restrain  anger,  and  those who forgive  people. Allah loves  the  doers  of good.
Quran 4:2
And  give  orphans  their  properties,  and  do not substitute  the  bad  for  the  good. And  do not  consume their  properties  by  combining them  with  yours,  for  that would  be  a  serious sin.
Quran 4:40
Allah does  not commit  an  atom's  weight  of injustice;  and  if  there  is  a  good  deed,  He doubles  it,  and  gives  from  His  Presence a  sublime compensation.
Say:  “The  bad  and  the  good  are  not  equal, even though  the  abundance  of  the  bad  may impress  you. So be  conscious  of  Allah,  O  you who possess  intelligence,  that  you may succeed.” 
Quran 5:93
Those who  believe  and  do  righteous  deeds will  not  be  blamed  for  what  they  may  have eaten,  provided  they  obey,  and  believe,  and do good  deeds,  then  maintain  piety  and  faith, then remain righteous.
Quran 7:56
And  do  not  corrupt  on earth  after  its  reformation,  and  pray  to  Him  with  fear  and  hope. Allah’s  mercy  is  close  to  the  doers  of  good.
Quran 11:23
As  for  those  who believe  and  do good deeds,  and  humble themselves  before  their Lord—these  are  the  inhabitants  of  Paradise, where  they  will  abide forever.
Quran 16:30
And  it will  be  said  to  those  who maintained piety,  “What has  your  Lord  revealed?” They will  say,  “Goodness.”  To those  who do good in  this  world  is  goodness,  and  the  Home  of the Hereafter  is  even  better.  How  wonderful is  the residence of  the  pious.
Quran 16:90
Allah  commands  justice,  and  goodness, and generosity  towards  relatives.  And  He  forbids  immorality,  and  injustice,  and  oppression.  He  advises  you,  so  that  you  may  take heed.
Quran 23:77
O  you  who  believe!  Kneel,  and  prostrate, and worship  your Lord,  and  do  good deeds, so  that  you may succeed.
Quran 53:10
Say,  “O  My  devotees  who  have believed, keep  your  duty  to your  Lord.  For  those  who do  good  in  this  world,  is  goodness.  And  Allah’s  earth  is  vast.  The  steadfast  will  be  paid their  wages  in  full,  without reckoning.”
Quran 103:1-3
1. By  Time.
2. The  human being  is  in loss.
3. Except those  who believe,  and  do good works,  and  encourage  truth,  and  recommend patience.
Sahih Bukhari
Volume 2, Book 24, Number 517 :
Narrated by Hakim bin Hizam
I said to Allah's Apostle, "Before embracing Islam I used to do Good deeds like giving in charity, slave-manumitting, and the keeping of good relations with Kith and kin. Shall I be rewarded for those deeds?" The Prophet replied, "You became Muslim with all those Good deeds (Without losing their reward)."

Sahih Bukhari
Volume  9,  Book  93,  Number  641:
Narrated  'Imran: I  said,  "O  Allah's  Apostle!  Why  should  a  doer  (people)  try  to  do  good  deeds?'  The  Prophet  said, "Everybody  will  find  easy  to  do  such  deeds  as  will  lead  him  to  his  destined  place (paradise) for  which  he  has been  created.' 

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