Teachings of the Quran - Kindness

Quran 2:263
Kind words  and  forgiveness  are  better than charity  followed  by  insults.  Allah  is  Rich and  Clement.
Quran 4:7-8
7.  Men  receive a  share of  what  their  parents and  relatives  leave,  and  women  receive a share  of  what  their  parents  and  relatives leave;  be it  little  or  much—a legal  share.
8.  If  the  distribution  is  attended  by  the  relatives,  and  the  orphans,  and  the  needy,  give them  something  out of  it,  and  speak  to them kindly.
Quran 4:19
O  you  who  believe!  It  is  not  permitted  for you  to inherit women  against  their  will.  And do not  coerce  them  in  order  to  take  away some of what you had given them, unless they commit  a  proven adultery.  And  live  with them  in  kindness.  If  you  dislike  them,  it  may be  that you  dislike  something  in  which Allah has  placed  much good.
Quran 17:23
Your  Lord  has  commanded  that you  worship  none  but Him,  and  that  you  be  good  to your  parents.  If  either  of  them  or  both of them  reach old  age  with  you,  do not say  to them  a  word  of  disrespect,  nor  scold  them, but say  to them  kind  words.
Quran 4:114
There  is  no good  in  much  of  their  private counsels,  except for  him  who advocates charity,  or  kindness,  or  reconciliation  between people. Whoever  does  that,  seeking  Allah’s approval,  We will  give him  a  great  compensation.
Quran 60:8
As  for  those  who  have  not  fought  against you  for  your  religion,  nor  expelled  you  from your  homes,  Allah does  not  prohibit you from dealing  with  them  kindly  and  equitably. Allah  loves  the  equitable.
Quran 90:17
Then  he  becomes  of  those  who believe,  and advise one  another  to  patience,  and  advise one  another  to kindness.
Sahih Bukhari:
Volume  8,  Book  73,  Number  9:
Narrated  Asma'  bint  Abu  Bakr: My mother  came  to  me,  hoping  (for  my  favor)  during  the  lifetime  of  the  Prophet  asked  the  Prophet,  "May  I  treat  her  kindly?"  He  replied,  "Yes."  Ibn  'Uyaina  said,  "Then  Allah  revealed:  'Allah  forbids you  not  with  regards  to  those  who  fought  not  against  you  because  of  religion,  and  drove  you  not  out from  your  homes,  that  you  should  show  them  kindness  and  deal  justly  with  them.'.......(60:8)
Volume  3,  Book  34,  Number  335:
Narrated  Ata  bin  Yasar: I  met  Abdullah  bin  'Amr  bin  Al-'As  and  asked  him,  "Tell  me  about  the  description  of  Allah's  Apostle which  is  mentioned  in  Torah  (i.e.  Old  Testament.")  He  replied,  'Yes.  By  Allah,  he  is  described  in  Torah with  some  of  the  qualities  attributed  to  him  in  the  Quran  as  follows: "O  Prophet  !  We  have  sent  you  as  a  witness  (for  Allah's  True  religion)  And  a  giver  of  glad  tidings (to  the  faithful  believers),  And  a  warner  (to  the  unbelievers)  And  guardian  of  the  illiterates.  You  are My  slave  and  My  messenger  (i.e.  Apostle).  I  have  named  you  "Al-Mutawakkil"  (who  depends  upon Allah).  You  are  neither  discourteous,  harsh  Nor  a  noise-maker  in  the  markets  And  you  do  not  do  evil to  those  Who  do  evil  to  you,  but  you  deal  With  them  with  forgiveness  and  kindness.  Allah  will  not  let him  (the  Prophet)  Die  till  he  makes  straight  the  crooked  people  by  making  them  say:  "None  has  the right  to  be  worshipped  but  Allah,"  With  which  will  be  opened  blind  eyes  And  deaf  ears  and  enveloped  hearts."
Sahih Bukhari
Bk 1, Number 0075:
It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) observed: He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should either utter good words or better keep silence; and he who believes in Allah and the Last Day should treat his neighbour with kindness and he who believes in Allah and the Last Day should show hospitality to his guest.
Sahih Bukhari
Bk 1, Number 0155:
It is reported on the authority of 'Abdullah that the Apostle of Allah observed: The best of' the deeds or deed is the (observance of) prayer at its proper time and kindness to the parents.
Sahih Bukhari
Bk 32, Number 6273:
'A'isha, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: 'A'isha, verily Allah is kind and He loves kindness and confers upon kindness which he does not confer upon severity and does not confer upon anything else besides it (kindness).

Sahih Bukhari
Bk 32, Number 6274: '
A'isha, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Kindness is not to be found in anything but that it adds to its beauty and it is not withdrawn from anything but it makes it defective.

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